Ohio Clinical Counselor Supervision

Individual and dyadic supervision is offered for clinicians licensed and practicing in the state of Ohio as an LPC working towards independent licensure as an LPCC. My supervision is tailored for clinicians who are practicing independently (or in a co-owner situation) in their own practice, or are in the process of opening their own practice. I focus on private pay/out-of-network based services rather than insurance however this is something we can discuss in supervision as to what is best for your situation!

What type of clinician is the best fit for my supervision:

  • Independent self-starter working on or already in their own practice

  • Interested in or already working with eating disorder clients, anxiety, depression and/or non suicidal self harm

  • Interested in building your own unique multi faceted therapeutic approach from the lens of CBT and DBT

  • Wanting more guidance on working with teens and how to navigate working with parents

  • Currently in a negative work environment and needing help moving forward into your own practice

Beyond the need for supervision of your clinician cases I like to focus on the things they did not teach us in school:

  • How to be a business person in the counseling world, it's okay to want to make money in this field we are mid level medical professionals with years of schooling and training (often 7 or more between undergrad, graduate work, internship and training hours) there are ways to earn a comfortable living while balancing giving back to the field and to clients!

  • The legal side of opening and running an independent practice: who do you contact, what do you need to know, what are issues that may arise that require legal attention?

  • How do you build a clinical support network when you are working in a silo and how to feel comfortable referring out within that network?

Mary Robinson, LPCC-S

I have been a Licenced Professional Clinical Counselor for six years, adding my supervision designation in 2024. I hold both a Master of Education in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and a Master of Science in a management-related field, this combination has been instrumental in launching my private practice, Robinson Counseling and Wellness. I specialize in eating disorders specifically in teens and young adults with a mix of other diagnosis such as anxiety, depression, non suicidal self harm, life transtion and more recently navigating physical and mental complications for those tapering off of weight loss medications. My primary modality is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy however I strongly believe each client has different needs and it’s so important to learn to read their needs and bend and flex the therapeutic approach with them!

My journey into counseling began as a second career, following eight years in nonprofit management within the social services sector. During this time, I focused on wellness, access to services, and program design, but I found myself longing for more direct, client-centered work. I wanted to be in the room, making a real impact on people's lives. This passion led me to pursue my Master of Education in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Cleveland State University while balancing full-time work and raising a family of four!

I am deeply committed to supporting both individuals and families as they face the challenges of mental health. I believe in the power of empathy, expertise, and a little humor to help clients through even the toughest moments.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • There are two types of supervision as defined by the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board (CSWMFT), each division of supervision offers different things and I offer BOTH!

    Training Supervision: This is the type of supervision that offers you the bulk of your learning and support once you are out there on your own. Training supervision is mentorship and guidance on cases and your development as a counselor. This type of supervision is where you will bring questions, concerns, successes, and learn how to define who you are and who you plan to be as a therapist while exploring how to offer the most comprehensive and ethically sound care to all your clients. 

    Training supervision is required to see clients at the LPC level and will count towards your 150 hours of required supervision combined with your 3,000 clinical hours needed (minimum of two years) to apply for your LPCC license. This equates to an average of one (1) hour of training supervision per every 20 hours of direct client contact. 

    Clinical Supervision or Work Supervision: This type of supervision is more the nuts and bolts of the administrative side of being a therapist. In larger practices or agencies your Work Supervisor is often your boss, this person will look over all your notes, treatment plans, diagnosis and approve all of them. Legally your Work Supervisor is responsible for your case load, they need to be contacted in times of client emergency and may even deal with client complaints. Oftentimes this person is also in charge of deciding if you are meeting productivity levels, if you will get a raise basically if you keep your job or not! 

    In a solo private practice or a small group practice you are able to have more autonomy in this relationship. By using an outside Work Supervisor like myself you enter into the relationship knowing I have no say in your financial life or the finances of your practice, I  cannot tell you that you need to see more clients or what your fee should or should not be, or what hours to work I do still review and sign off on your clinical documentation, and ask questions or make recommendations based on what I see and at the end of the day I am legally responsible for your case load, but I view this is a partnership not a difference in power or expertise. 

    Work Supervision DOES NOT count towards the supervision hours needed for your license it is seen as purely administrative.on text goes here

  • Fun fact, in the state of Ohio an LPC is able to have their own practice as long as they have appropriate Training and Work Supervision! Is this model for everyone? Nope! Is it for someone who is a self-starter, who maybe is coming to individual therapy after spending time in another area of social services or a helping profession, someone who has been working towards independent licensure at an agency and is feeling frustrated with how they are being treated, someone who wants to offer very curated and specialized care without the constraints of a non clinical boss or a large practice owner who is never available; yes, yes and YES!

    Know your limits though, this model is not for everyone it can be hugely rewarding to own your own solo practice however it can also be lonely and scary (think no paid time off or health benefits), all things we can discuss in supervision, this can be helpful if you are in the planning stages with just one or two clients and are deciding if leaving your “regular job” is right for you. Supervision offers you a kind of safety net and a safe space as you move into being on your own while also keeping you compliant with the board's requirements.

  • This transition is so exciting! When you graduate (or before depending on your program) you take the NCE exam and have all of your education and internship hours signed off on and the state of Ohio says yay go forth and counsel, and you are like oh wow what now it’s just me and this client in a room and I am supposed to know all the answers! That is what the time between LPC and LPCC is for, you will learn; one you do not need to have all the answers and two who you are as a therapist and who you want to be. 

    The state of Ohio requires the following tasks be completed to be considered a viable candidate to be independently licensed aka apply for your LPCC license:

    • 24 or more months of practice (two calendar years)

    • 3,000 or more work hours under supervision by an LPCC-S, maximum of 1,500 per calendar year

    • 150 hours of approved training supervision either individual or group by an LPCC-S this supervision must include diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders

    Once those hours are completed you will apply to take the NCMHCE exam which let me tell you is just oh so much fun, but we can review how to study for this!

    You will then apply for your licence with the state, and I will review and turn in supervision hour logs and say yes this person is going to make an awesome LPCC! You will need to get another FBI and BCI background check and pay your application fee then you just wait for the approval!

    Once approved you no longer require any supervision or oversight to treat clients, however I strongly recommend joining a consult group of peers within your niche.

  • Supervision happens virtually with limited options to meet in person in my office in Hudson. Meeting virtually allows you time to pop this hour into your client schedule without missing too much time at your practice! Supervision blocks are typically available on Mondays and Fridays however we can work together to find a time that works for you. Please note that I do not offer supervision in the evening or on the weekends, it’s important to hold our boundaries with life outside of work, the beauty of private practice is that YOU are in charge of your hours and it is OKAY to work only the times that work for your life!

    For training supervision you are required to have one (1) hour of supervision per 20 client hours so this typically will be one hour a week if you are working “full-time” in private practice which usually equates to about 15-20 face to face client hours per week (remember this is not agency get some balance I promise you’ll love it so yes 20 clients is full time!). 

    I require a minimum of two (2) hours of training supervision per month. 

    Work supervision consists of me reviewing your case notes and treatment plans, I will send feedback weekly on these via email.

  • Gone are the days of paper files, since we all do everything paperwork related online now (pretty much) I do require you use an electronic health record system that offers supervision designation, the most widely used platform for this is the Simple Practice Plus account. I have included a referral link below that gives you a $200 credit!


    Some other EHR’s that have this feature are; MyBestPractice, Theranest, Sessions and Jane although I do not use these myself I am happy to give it a try if they work better for your practice. 

    *Please note I do receive credits from your use of the Simple Practice referral link